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Passengers Corporate


Epidemic Prevention Measures

Koltsovo Airport takes all necessary steps to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection. The following epidemic prevention measures are in effect at the airport:

  • The passengers may buy individual protective means in the vending machine at the terminal entrance before passing the entry check.
  • The thermal imagers at the terminal entrance ensure noncontact thermometry.
  • The passengers are informed about the need to avoid staying at the airport longer than two hours.
  • The passengers are informed about the need to minimize the number of seeing-off (meeting) people, or persuade them not to visit the passenger terminal at all.
  • The passengers and staff have free access to disinfectants; sanitizers are placed in public spaces and service areas.
  • Special social distance warning marks are put on the floor in the passenger terminal and on the floor and seats of the apron buses.
  • The airport personnel involved in contacts with passengers, and the staff of shops and canteens located in the passenger terminal undergo daily medical examinations, including body temperature checks.
  • All staff of Koltsovo Airport are equipped with individual protection means (masks, gloves, safety glasses or screens) and use them on their working places.
  • Only medically approved disinfectants are used for cleaning the airport facilities; heavily contacting surfaces (check-in counters, handrails, door handles, elevator buttons, etc.) are disinfected every two hours.
  • The airport cleaning services provide regular disinfection of vehicles and special equipment involved in passenger servicing (buses, self-propelled steps). 
  • The control of the air conditioning and ventilation systems has been enhanced, and the unscheduled maintenance was performed.

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